Thursday, September 15, 2005
Life goes on...
Not much to update. Well, nothing special. I still don't have a surgery date. The fall stuff is starting to happen. Bronwyn started back at Highland dancing lessons on Saturday. Homeschool activities have started. Last Friday we participated in the homeschoolers' camp out at Kakabeka Falls. It rained and thundered and lightning-ed half the night and then the Hydro damn set off it's siren several times to warn people down stream that they were letting extra water out. What I would just like to ask is "Who is going to be down stream in the middle of the night?!" We didn’t get much sleep but had fun anyway. Labels: children's ministry, Dian Layton
This Sunday Children’s Church goes back to normal: two separate classes instead of just one. Pioneer Clubs is still on hold while I try to round up enough leaders. I don’t want to start and then have to stop when I have the surgery. Pastor Irv is going to help with this one. He is preaching on the importance of Children’s Ministry and promoting the Club. So I will wait one more week before canceling it all together until after Christmas.
My job is going well. Got good reports from my boss and her assistant. But I miss the girls. Almost every day I take them to someone else’s house so I can work. I try to remember that I will have lots of time with them when I am recovering from surgery. I started reading “Children and the Holy Spirit: How to set your child’s heart on fire for God” by Mark Harper. In chapter two he quotes from writings on past revivals, how children were affected, respected by leaders and used by God. Fascinating stuff.
I am exited about starting our new curriculum for the 6-12 y/o’s. It is the second book in the Young God Chasers curric by Dian Layton. The first book completely changed the effectiveness of our time on Sunday morning. The kids learned to Chase God, spend time with him in prayer and worship, pray for each other and adults alike. We capped off the year in June with a presentation and ministry time in the “Big Church”. The kids and, even more important, Jesus’ love and power blew the adults away. It was an amazing thing to see the front of the church full of adults on their knees, sitting, lying down, some still standing, some weeping, all being moved by God as the children quietly touched them and prayed. Can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this time around.
BTW, everything Dian Layton writes is awsome. I will have to post more about her later. She is my hero. But right now I must go to bed. I broke my glasses at the camp out and these contacts are driving me crazy. Poor eyes.
posted by Kellie Huffman at
9/15/2005 10:45:00 p.m.
About Me
- Name: Kellie Huffman
- Location: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
knitter, teacher,flutest, wife to Barry, mother to Sinead and Bronwyn, daughter, sister.
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