Saturday, April 01, 2006

Sleepover Survival

Yes, I survived, with dignity in tacked. BUT I am sooooo tired and sore, just from moving around all day yesterday and this morning. Not much sitting down in the last 36 + hours. Oh, except for the whole 6 1/2 hours I got to sleep. Thank-you girls for that.

Last night was Sinead's 11th Birthday Sleepover. Seven wonderful girls, age's 8 to 11 slept in the front room. Did I say, "Slept"? Silly me. It's not like I expected much sleeping anyway. Yes, they were up till 1:00 am and yes they woke up at 6:30 am but they were great. No major problems. And yes one girl did go home around 10:30 but I expected that too. For a few girls it was their first night away.

And so it begins.

Oh wonderful. A Tamagotchi. It's like a video game your kid always has with them and if they don't play it enough it calls out to them.

Making friendship bracelets.

The Sleeping Beauties.

I had planned to talk sleeping pictures when I got up with Bronwyn (She had to wake-up early to prepare for her Highland dancing metal test at 8:45) but they were already up so I asked them to pretend to sleep. Good sports!

Brady and Amy really got into the nails!
If any of you out there are planning a sleep over here is some advice: Have extra activities planned for the morning, just in case they wake-up at 6:30. I find it interesting that in all the articles i read on the internet there was not one mention of planning activities for the morning. It seems everyone else gets by just letting the children sleep-in, eat breakfast and goof around until the parents show up. I was so glad there were a few things we didn't get to the night before. Like candy necklaces.

The Birthday Girl

Who's missing here?

Here she is! Just home from her dancing test. She looks so different with her hair pulled up tight, glasses, ruffled shirt. I almost can't believe how my girls are growing and changing.

I just gotta say Sinead was a wonderful hostess, attentive to everyone, including everyone. She was so mature and yet wonderfully silly and joyful. I hope she always keeps those qualities no matter how mature she gets. Sinead, I am so proud of you. Happy 11th Birthday!

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Location: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

knitter, teacher,flutest, wife to Barry, mother to Sinead and Bronwyn, daughter, sister.

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