Sunday, October 02, 2005

Surgery Eve

Was the day before surgery, when all through the house
not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
When up in the bathroom there arose such a clatter

I ran up the stairs to see what was the matter.
When what to my assaulted nose did I smell

but a stench so vile I gagged for a spell.

Yah, its pretty stinky up there right now. It is 4:55 and I have survived the first bout of fleet enema cleansing. In a few minutes I must take the second dose. I have had nothing but liquids today, clear liquids. Barry picked up a box of vegetable broth cubes at the health food store and I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Even though it took me about 20 minutes to strain it through a coffee filter to clean out the herby bits I am looking forward to doing it again latter. I have had tea with no milk (only barely tolerable, I managed to drink about a ΒΌ of it), blue PowerAde, granny smith apple juice (wonderful) and lots of water.
For an hour and a half after downing the first bottle of enema I was nauseous and had to lie down. After a couple of hours of toilet time I finally felt pretty normal. Now it is 5:00 and I must go and struggle to get the second bottle in my gullet.

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Location: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

knitter, teacher,flutest, wife to Barry, mother to Sinead and Bronwyn, daughter, sister.

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